
Group Tours

We offer scheduled private group tours to accommodate various size groups. The guests are greeted at our reception on arrival. They are then led by one of our top wine educators through our stunning vineyards stopping at selected locations for group photos. After this the group is shown the winery with its stainless steel tanks and oak barrels. In a nutshell, to see what it takes to produce one of the highest rated Myanmar’s wines in the country’s first winery. 

Guests are then welcomed to enjoy the tasting of our signature wines at our Sunset Wine Garden Restaurant. Here they can order luncheons or snacks to enjoy together with the wine, followed by a relaxing walk through the beautiful gardens and a pond, which is surrounded by rolling hills of the vineyard. Or enjoy the colorful sunset sky at the western horizon. We know from 10 years experience that our visitors remember that evening in the vineyard before a good night rest. 
Set menu lunches or dinners can be ordered in advance with the travel agencies or tour guides. 
Of course we are always here to assist guests in need of special requests. 
Enjoy this amazing Myanmar’s wine country experience at our vineyard free of charge! 

Call us in advance if more than 5 persons in the group. 
Call: 09 49361367, 081-208548, 208653; email: aythayawinegarden@gmail.com 

Contact Information

Myanmar Vineyard Estate Co.,Ltd.
Unit (1-3), Aung San Stadium (North Wing),
Gyo Phyu Road, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone: (+95-1) 249122, 253251, 240251 Ext: 114,115

Current Php Version: 7.4.33



Aythaya Vineyard – Htone Bo
Aythaya – Taunggyi, Southern Shan States
Phone: (+95 – 81) 20 86 53, 20 85 48

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